“I’m Danielle Coke Balfour: an artist, activist, speaker, and entrepreneur who creates art about living a more just and hopeful life. Through content creation, resources, products, and experiences, I aim to inspire everyday advocates (like you!) to do good daily, right where you are.
‘Well, I don’t see color.’
These were the words that propelled me into entrepreneurship and a life of justice work. After being the only Black woman working in a predominantly white small business for a few years, I came face-to-face with a boss who had no desire to invest in DEI or take action against the racism I was experiencing.
After saving up a few paychecks, I quit my job in 2019 and started a digital marketing and graphic design agency that helped positive, mission-based brands use social media for maximum impact. Not long after, I got my first iPad as a Christmas gift and began doodling for fun and posting artwork on my Instagram page.